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Kamis, 08 Mei 2008

Rimun Joint SCOPE visits NMCIREMP

The recent visit of the officials of SCOPE (Strengthening Capacities of the Poor Experiences in Asia-Pacific) is successfully done with DAR-IFAD NMCIREMP officials led by the DAR-IFAD National Project Director Antonio Menor, and the Officials from Department of Agrarian Reform led by Regional Director Felix B. Aguhob, and the participation of the farmer beneficiaries and officials and members of FEDARCO (Federation of Agrarian Reform Cooperatives) in the Province of Agusan Del Norte.

The objective of the visit is to actually see and learn from the strategies employed by the DAR-IFAD NMCIREMP officials in their successful implementation of the different support projects in far-flung and depressed upland and coastal barangays under its coverage, hence, it becomes the model in Asia-Pacific operational implementation. SCOPE’s member countries are: India, Bangladesh, Mongolia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

The visitors include, Mr. Dalai Dagvaa from Mongolia, Rimun Wibowo (Indonesia), Shiek Moh-Mohsin (Bangladesh), Ms. San San Hla (Myanmar), Tina Liamzon and Rachel Polestico both of the Asian NGO Coalition (ANGOC).

DAR-IFAD NMCIREMP implements “Bridging Leadership Influences on Coalition Building” as its SCOPE Project. This means a sustainable convergent relationship with all its stakeholders involving the LGUs, NGOs, indigenous peoples, upland farmers, fisherfolks, and the line agencies.

The field visit of the SCOPE officials reached the municipality of Jabonga, Agusan del Norte where they made a courtesy call to the LGU officials and a quick look at the Municipal 3-D Map. It was followed by the travel to Kitcharao, Agusan del Norte where they witnessed and study the DAR-NMCIREMP implementation at the Municipal and Community levels. They also met the FEDARCO (Federation of Agrarian Reform Cooperatives) officials and members in the province of Agusan del Norte.

A short round-table briefing and orientation was also done in the DAR-NMCIREMP NPO after the field study tour where strategies used in the operational implementation were laid down to reach out all the poor beneficiaries of the project in the entire CARAGA region.

The visitors’ observations revealed that women empowerment could be seen in the project covered community visited. They also noticed that subprojects managed by the peoples’ organizations are well-maintained and operational. They learned much from the quick visit and vowed that what they saw and learned shall be used in their own countries.

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