SCOPE Regional Workshop
17-18 September 2007, Bangkok, Thailand
The SCOPE regional workshop on 17-18 September in Bangkok, Thailand was participated in by the Project Directors (PDs) of the five SCOPE assisted IFAD projects, as well as by representatives from IFAD: Dr. Ghanesh Thapa, Carla de Gregorio, and Thomas Rath; Dr. Durga Paudyal (CIRDAP); Rowshan Jahan (ALRD); Nara Yansanjav (NZNI-IPECON); Oscar Castillo (CARRD); San San Hla; (CIRDAP); Thanksy Thekkekara (MAVIM); Saleela Patkar (MYRADA); Rimun Wibowo (CRESCENT); Julian Gonsalves; Jaybee Garganera (PHILDHRRA); Trupti Upadhyaya (SEWA); and ANGOC representatives: Fr. Francis Lucas, Antonio Quizon, Raul Gonzalez, Cristina Liamzon, Rachel Polestico, Nathaniel Don Marquez, among others.
Initially, the participants identified a number of issues and challenges that have constrained efforts to promote the sustainability of RPOs. These issues manifest themselves at three major stages in the project cycle: (1) Project design; (2) Capacity building and Project implementation; and (3) Project monitoring and evaluation.